Bishop Prentis & Lady Johnson
Welcome to Greater Christ Temple Church where faith and family are our focus. We believe that the Word of God is true by striving to express God’s love, our devotion, and our actions.
Greater Christ Temple Church adopts its inspiration from Ezekiel 34:1, “I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed…”
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, written by holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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What We Believe


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Meet Our Pastor
Our pastor, Bishop Prentis Vasco Johnson, is a servant leader and loves people. He teaches on the authority of Jesus Christ and is dedicated to the cause, which is serving Christ and His people. (additional)
Prentis Vasco Johnson, Sr. was born at McChord Air Force Base Hospital in Tacoma Washington. He is the fifth of nine children born to parents, Grover Cleveland (deceased) and Angie Mae Johnson-Dubois (deceased). Shortly after his birth, the family relocated to Newton, Mississippi until he was four years old, and they then moved back to Tacoma, Washington where he currently resides.
Prentis graduated from Stadium High School in Tacoma, Washington with academic honors, as well as athletic achievements. He is listed in the Who’s Who Among American High School Students, as well as in the International Achievers of High School Students.
Our Core Values

Christ Centered
The Greater Christ Temple Church community is a vibrant group of believers. We believe in loving our neighbors as thyself and having a forgiving heart. Matthew 22: 37-39 and Matthew 6:12-14

Church Mission
We believe in loving and sharing God’s unadulterated word to a world that needs hope. The expression of our love is what makes Greater Christ Temple Church. Romans 13:8 and Mark 16:15

Community Focused
By adhering to principles that align with God’s truth; we become influencers in the marketplace. We believe that Christian values should be on display in everything we say or do even when it becomes uncomfortable or not popular. Luke 14:23